Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy Statement is prepared in accordance with the National Privacy Principles (‘NPPs ‘) contained within the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 (‘Privacy Act’). The NPPs set out minimum standards for the way in which organisations deal with individuals’ personal information. Under the Privacy Act, personal information generally includes information from which an individual’s identity is apparent or is reasonably ascertainable.

Your Privacy is Important to Us
One Pacific Pty Ltd and any companies that are related to them (collectively referred to as ‘we’ or ‘us’) are bound by the NPPs and are committed to the protection of your personal information in accordance with the NPPs. This Privacy Policy Statement (‘Privacy Policy’) explains in general terms how we collect, store, use and disclose your personal information, and sets out your right to request access to information that we hold about you.

This Privacy Policy will apply to any personal information you provide to us when making an enquiry, making a travel, accommodation or activity booking, using our websites or any other websites operated by us, under any agreement or arrangement that we enter into with you, or otherwise in the course of our dealings with you. This Privacy Policy will also apply to any information that is provided to us by a travel agent or other third party in relation to your travel plans.

Collection of Personal Information
We only collect personal information, which is necessary in connection with our business purposes and to provide you with the services you require.

For travellers, the purposes for which we collect personal information include:

  1. To contact you, answer your queries and provide you with information in relation to travel options, accommodation and adventure activities; and
  2. When requested to do so, arrange and book travel, accommodation and adventure activities on your behalf, invoice you for confirmed travel arrangements, and to complete related transactions.

For accommodation owners and activity providers, the purposes for which we collect personal information include:

  1. To market and promote your property and/or the activities and services you provide to travelers; and
  2. To make bookings for travelers at your facilities and to provide travelers with your contact details.

The specific type of personal information collected and used by us varies according to the purpose for collection. However, in general this information includes:

  1. In relation to travelers: your name, addresses, contact details (e.g. telephone number, facsimile number and email address), flight and other travel details, credit card details, billing address, dietary requirements (if any), any health issues that may be relevant to your proposed travel or adventure activity arrangements, and information regarding past transactions or dealings that we have had with you, including information about any special requirements that you may have; and
  2. In relation to peroperty owners and activity providers: your name, address, contact details (e.g. telephone number, facsimile number and email address), and details about your property and/or the activities and services you provide to travelers, including cost and availability.

We collect most of the personal information we require directly from you by way of written forms, by telephone, in person, by our representatives, via our websites, or by written correspondence from time to time. We may also collect personal information about you from third parties, such as from people making travel bookings on your behalf, or from travel agents, booking agents, travel representatives, or homestead owners whom you have contacted regarding travel or accommodation arrangements.
It is important that we collect the information we require about you. Without this information, we may not be able to provide you with our travel and accommodation information and booking services.

Before providing us with personal information about another individual, you must first ensure that the other individual is aware of:

  1. The disclosure of their information to us and the purposes for which the information is collected and used by us; and
  2. The individual’s ability to request access to the personal information that we hold about them, and to advise us if they think the information is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of date.

The information that we collect about you may include some ‘sensitive information’ (e.g. Health information), which is relevant to your travel, and activity plans. Under the Privacy Act, we are required to obtain your consent to the collection and use of any sensitive information. We will assume that you have consented to the collection, use and disclosure by us of any sensitive information, which you provide to us for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, unless you tell us otherwise.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information
We may use and disclose your personal information for the primary purpose for which the information was collected (see Collection of Personal Information), reasonably expected secondary purposes, where you have consented, and otherwise in accordance with the NPPs, including:

  1. To process and book your travel, accommodation and activity arrangements and to facilitate other transactions in relation to those arrangements (including without limitation disclosing your information to homestead owners, activity providers and other carriers and transport companies who will be providing you with goods or services in relation to your travel plans);
  2. Where required or authorised by law;
  3. Where disclosure is necessary to prevent a threat to life or health, to enforce the law, or to investigate a suspected unlawful activity;
  4. To provide information to agents, contractors and service providers that we engage to provide us with goods and services or to act on our behalf (the identity of which may change from time to time);
  5. To provide you with updates and other information from time to time about travel options, homestead details and availability, adventure activities that can be booked through our offices, the packages that we offer, and other information about the goods, services and activities offered by us or third parties. You may notify us by written notice addressed to our Privacy Officer at any time if you do not wish to receive this information.

Your information may be disclosed between One Pacific Pty Ltd and any of their related companies, for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.
We will only transfer personal information outside of Australia in accordance with the NPPs including:

  1. With your consent;
  2. Where we are under a contractual obligation (with you or another party) to do so, or there is some other benefit to the you; or
  3. Where we are satisfied that the recipient of the information will uphold principles for the fair handling of personal information, and will not deal with the personal information in a manner inconsistent with the NPPs and this Privacy Policy.

Data Quality, Storage and Security

We strive to ensure that all personal information held in our records is accurate, complete and up-to-date.
Personal information is held in electronic and hard copy records stored securely at our premises. Hard copy information is stored in secure office facilities, including locked filing cabinets. Electronic information is protected by password security and other standard protection measures.
Access to personal information is restricted in accordance with our internal security procedures to those personnel whose job functions require access to such information. Certain administrative functions may from time to time be contracted out to third parties, and in these cases appropriate security measures are implemented to ensure the security and integrity of all personal information.

Access and Correction
You may request access to any information that we hold about you by writing to our Privacy Officer at the address detailed below. In accordance with the NPPs, we may deny access to requests for access to information in certain circumstances, including where:

  1. providing access would have an unreasonable impact upon the privacy of another individual;
  2. providing access to the information would be unlawful, or the law permits us to deny access; or
  3. In our opinion, the request is frivolous or vexatious.

We will correct any personal information held in our records which we consider is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.

Changes to Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy is current as at March 2015. We may review and update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in the law, changes in our business practices, procedures and structure, and the community’s changing privacy expectations. While it is not generally feasible to notify you of changes to this Privacy Policy, the latest version of the Privacy Policy will be available on our website at You can also contact our Privacy Officer to obtain the latest version of the Privacy Policy at any time.

Point of Contact
To request access to any personal information held about you in our records, to make a privacy related complaint, to obtain more information about this Privacy Policy or to enquire about privacy matters generally, please contact our Privacy Officer as follows:

The Privacy Officer
One Pacific Pty Ltd